Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving
By: SWE Officers
With Thanksgiving today, there are many things to be grateful for. We decided to ask each one of our fellow SWofficers what they are thankful for during this holiday — check out what they have to say below!
Allison Nguyen — President
“I’m thankful for SWE and all the opportunities it’s given me! I’m especially thankful for the mentorship I’ve received in SWE. I’m constantly inspired by everyone around me in SWE and words can’t express how glad I am that I found this supportive and loving community to keep me sane and grounded throughout college :)”
Ashley Chu — VP of Internal Relations
“I’m thankful for the SWE community’s never-ending support for each other, 290 HMMB, and my swittle Jennifer for always makin’ me a proud swig!”
Sierra Dean — VP of Outreach
“I am thankful for all of the friendships I have made over the past year. Specifically, all of the people I have had the privilege of getting close to over the past 2 years and who I am so so grateful for ❤️”
Jazmine Ramos — VP of Corporate
“One thing I have to recognize is how thankful I am for my roommate, Claire. We only met very recently but I can confidently say she’s one of the closest friends I’ve made in college :) I’m also incredibly grateful for all my friends and family who continually support me and always make every day a little brighter and something worth looking forward to!”
Carolina Rios — Secretary
“I’m thankful to have a strong support group in my life that’s always cheering me on, putting a smile on my face, and making me laugh 24/7. I’m grateful for the many friends SWE has given me, and look forward to new friendships that have yet to be made ❤”
Iris Hsu — Treasurer
“I’m thankful for SWE (in addition to my family, friends, music, and much more) 💜 SWE has brought together so many amazing, hard-working, and organized SWofficers and committee members and in my time at Berkeley, I’ve found SWE to have the most welcoming and inspiring community of members 🥳”
Samantha Torres — Senior Advisor
“I’m thankful for my Mom, family, and friends! I love you SWE and all my SWEsters for inspiring me everyday 💕”
Sharicka Zutshi — Advocacy Director
“I am grateful for WE21 and a chance to get much closer to my SWEsters as well as very inspiring women engineers from all across the country.
This semester is the time where I have felt most involved in the Berkeley engineering community, and being a transfer to the COE this feeling of belonging was really important for me.”
Sarah Mehtabuddin — Membership Director
“I’m thankful for all the supportive and uplifting officers in SWE! And also every single SWE member who has participated in SWE events and really allowed SWE to come to life. I’m very thankful for the resources and opportunities I have that comes along with SWE as well as Berkeley. Also my family that supports me and are proud of me (especially my mom, who I know misses me everyday) ❤”
Kavya Marrapu — Intersocietal Chair
“I am thankful for my amazing friends, family, and swamily! I am also thankful that I am able to be back in person in this wonderful college!”
Andrea Palomo — Mentorship Chair
“I’m thankful for my family, and for finding a home away from home. My time at Berkeley has been a dream, the most challenging experience of my life. I am so thankful for SWE, my friends and all the opportunities that I have here. I am thankful for my research experience, my mentors, and my SWE mentee ❤️. I am so grateful for being able to be part of something greater than myself.”
Anvisha Saxena — SWENext Co-Chair
“I am thankful for supportive friends and family, amazing food, and good music!”
PeiWen Xiao — Elementary & Middle School Outreach
“I am grateful for my friends who constantly inspire me to be the best I can be, for my family who is always there to support me whenever I need anything, and for SWE for the amazing and welcoming community I am so happy to be a part of! :D”
Jin Yu — High School Engineering Program
“I am thankful that we were able to come back on campus this semester and I was able to meet more people in-person!”
Catherine Hwu — High School Engineering Program
“I’m thankful for the roof over my head and food to eat everyday. I’m thankful to be surrounded by great people here at Cal. And I’m thankful for all the people that have been there to support me through tough times.”
Jennifer Toy — Engineering Day
“I’m super thankful for all my friends, new and old! I really can’t imagine what this semester would have looked like without them ❤”
Katherine Wang — Mini University
“I’m thankful for this incredibly inclusive and wholesome community SWE has created!”
Joelle Siong Sin — Shadow an Engineer
“I am thankful for all of the SWamazing SWofficers that helped me have a great time as a first-time officer!! Also, my committee because they do so much for Shadow hehe < 3”
Jennifer Zhou — Professional Development Month
“I’m thankful for being back on campus, the lovely people I’ve been able to spend college with, and for always having a warm cup of tea.”
Hana Meroth — Evening with Industry
“I’m thankful for all my amazing SWEsters who have provided me with such a strong support system of fellow women engineers. You all inspire me everyday to be the best version of myself! I’m not sure how I would’ve gotten through the past couple of years without all the kindness and love you all have shown me.”
Kirthi Kumar — Evening with Industry
“I’m thankful for going home this Thanksgiving! I’m really excited to hug my parents and little sister after so long, have a hearty home-cooked meal, and just relax. I’m also really grateful for UC Berkeley SWE for being my family away from home, and making my transition to living on a different coast so seamless 💖”
Elle Tran — Public Relations
“I am extremely thankful to be surrounded by such supportive, positive people in my life. SWE has given me some of my closest friends; it is such an uplifting community that I am so grateful to be a part of. I’m also thankful for my roommates who are always there for me 💛”
Lily Sai — Public Relations
“I’m thankful for all the amazing people in my life who have supported me over the years. I’m excited to graduate, but will dearly miss everyone at Berkeley (especially our amazing SWOfficers) ❤.”
Esther Shin — Social Media
“I’m thankful for all the people in my life from amazing friends to family (including my fellow swesters ❤). They are the reason that I am who I am today.”
Kuhu Sharma — Webmaster
“I’m thankful for the SWE community! It’s amazing to see so many familiar faces absolutely killing it on campus every day. It makes the Berkeley world feel a little smaller, and a little warmer as well.”
Renee Francisco — Team Tech
“I’m thankful for all the people I’ve met this semester, especially my SWEsters ❤️ Wouldn’t be an iconic semester without y’all”
Phoebe Chang — Team Tech
“I’m thankful for all the people in my life who have supported me through the good and bad times 💜”
Julie Lynch — Society and Alumni
“I’m thankful for the support of my family and SWE!”
What are YOU thankful for?