Writing About Talking: The SWE Podcast
By: Kuhu Sharma
Welcome back to That’s What SWE Said! Err… the textual version, at least. Today, I’m your host, Kuhu Sharma, and we’ll be diving into what makes the UC Berkeley SWE Podcast tick.
That’s What SWE Said, or as the team behind the scenes likes to affectionately call it, the SWodcast, is in it’s second year of running, with myself and Samantha (Sami) Torres as cohosts. We interview people at large within the Society of Women Engineers community, whether it be students, alumni/industry professionals, or professors. But if I’m being honest, it’s really just a conversation, getting to know the amazing people behind the accomplishments!
When we took over the podcast from the graduated hosts Amanda & Sarina, I have to admit I was a little bit hesitant to put myself out there. I mean, it’s the standard CS stereotype of introversion, social awkwardness, and the preferral of the company of machines to human beings. Going in, I thought my presence in the conversations was going to be halting, from one question to another, with little to no banter. Thankfully, it’s turned out to be the exact opposite! I find that everybody is eager to engage in a discussion about what they have going on and how it pertains to the SWE community. Thank you, pandemic, for making people starved for social interaction!
If anything, they love the Tea with SWE portion, where we get into juicy details about them that may not come up in regular conversation. And before you ask, no, we do not upload anything without the explicit permission of the podcast guest! However, we’ve definitely paused the recording of an episode if the tea gets a little too spicy and continue the conversation at a later point. Some things we’ve talked about is making our guest choose a favorite amongst the programs they may oversee, who said something spicy in everyday SWE conversation (SWonversation, if you will), and even the rankings of different water bottle brands. For what it’s worth, Kirkland won out, but Brita filters reign supreme.
You can listen to the podcast and all of the SWE tea glory on Spotify! And feel free to message me if you’d ever like to be featured :))
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